Tuesday, September 16, 2008

When death is near....

Wow... only moments ago, I received word that a VERY dear friend is dying. In my earlier post today, I mentioned how God puts people in your life for a reason... well, Ms. Ollie is one of those people.

She is a Godly woman that radiates the love of God throughout her actions, words and her life. She is such a joy and has been for many years. I met Ms. Ollie in 1994 at Bushland Baptist Church in Bushland Texas. She is the wife of Raymond Bolin and he was the pastor at Bushland Baptist for a total of 33 years. What a wonderful couple to have in my life.

I had the opportunity to call Raymond. He is saddened yet over joyed that Ollie will be in heaven. He mentioned that Ollie told him earlier today that she didn't want to leave him alone and was sad that she had to go. She said she was ready to go though. Late this afternoon, she reached for heaven with both arms and giggled. No one could understand what she said, but she was happy to see whatever it was that she saw.

Hospice is there with her now and the nurses are caring for her as best as they can until the end.

How wonderful it is to know the assurance of heaven through Jesus Christ our Lord. Though the ones of us here on earth grieve at the loss of loved ones, we know that we will see them again.

Say a prayer for Raymond and Ollie tonight! Ollie would want us all to celebrate and she would tell us to take care of Raymond for her. So many will surround them as the journey ends on earth for Ollie. Thank God for all the people that He has brought in to your life. Thank Him for everything...because it all belongs to Him anyway.

Rejoice in knowing that we will see those who have gone on before us!

~ Lisa

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