Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Following His Lead

As I read my devotion today, the speaker/writer explained how she and her husband took ballroom dance classes. During the first class, the instructor kept telling the wife that she was leading again.... 45 minutes later, the wife had learned to let her husband lead. She mentioned that those dance lessons were like her Christian walk. How many times have we tried to control or lead instead of letting God lead in our lives.

I asked God to forgive me for trying to take control of my life. Once again, I released control. I pray that the Holy Spirit will tap me on the shoulder next time I try to take control and say "You are leading again"...

This lesson also reminds me of several people that seek His will, but with married couples especially, this devo had a twofold purpose. It shows the beauty of giving control over to God, but it is also a picture of the beauty of a marriage when the husband is the spiritual leader.
How are you doing in the "dance of life" with your husband?

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