Friday, June 29, 2012

Frustrating Spouses

Sometimes....spouses can be frustrating...No Duh?

From time to time, my spouse can be very frustrating.  Not so much in the usual way that spouses can be frustrating....but because of the wishy washiness. I truly believe that it is okay for a woman to work outside the home and pay some of the bills.  However, I do agree that bank accounts should be separated if one or both spouses are controlling.  Not to say that you should not be mindful of spending, because you definitely should follow God's direction for spending. If one or both spouses always try to make the other fill guilty or always want 'thanks' (over and over and over) for things they help with and make the other person feel guilty, then it isn't much of a relationship. One spouse can be kind, but likes to constantly remind the other of how much has been done, even when the other spouse pays back financially what has been given.  It isn't easy being reminded all the time that one has made a mistake and the other helped to repair or repay the mistake. Paying for it for 6 years and counting.... whew. 

Don't get me wrong, the assistance is appreciated, as it should be, but the criticism that goes along with the assistance is really unnecessary.

Things could go better, I guess...on both parts.  So the point is, pray for your spouse, even when they are frustrating..... because the shoe is on the other foot sometimes too....

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